After I resume the routine with the chemicals my dendrobiums were doing extremely well this seasons. Most of the hybrids were flowering - Den. Cheat Chai, Den Fair Twist x Lasanthevak, Den C K Ai Oka x canniculatum, Den Tay Swee Keng, Den Baby Pink, Den Dawn Marie, Den Thai Twist, Den Patria & Den Siah Koko. It's wonderful to see the flowers make it instead of becoming bug food.

Besides Dens, one of my Rhynchovanda Colmarie also flowered. The flowers are dark purple and appears to shine. What I like best is its fragrance. I have 2 of these but only this give flowers regularly. Got to move the other but unfortunately, there's no place beside this as it's current neighbors are flowering too - Dar. Fuchs Cream Puff x Asctm. miniatum below

and this Aerides lawrenciae; another wonderfully frangrant plant.
Besides orchids, my other free time has been occupied by these 2 kittens. They were born on 16-Mar in my Red Ginger pot by a stray that roams the neighborhood. The mother moved them after I took them out as I don't want the litter to get drenched by my watering system. The mother promptly took them away but appear in my garden 2 weeks later.
Thought I could hold on to them to get the mother to send her to be sterilized but she took flight and didn't come back.

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